Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My CAS General Assemby Speech delivered last August 2010

Good afternoon everyone.

“Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex”. This a Latin Maxim quoted by Cicero which means “The Welfare of the People is the Supreme Law”. The Political Science Society has lived by this principle. A principle that speaks to us that in every action that we must take, the people must be at the center.

The Political Science Society continues to do projects that will mold individuals to be productive and morally-upright citizens of the society. Last year, it was a great year for our organization.

We prepared UE Students for the May 2010 Elections. Our organization conducted three Voters’ Education Programs and Seminar which involves UE employees and Students. We posted the list of candidates and their credentials for the UE Community to assess the candidates.

September 26, 2009 was an unforgettable moment to all when Typhoon Ondoy hit Metro Manila. PSS students, despite all the hardships, volunteered to help the citizens of Marikina in a relief operation program with Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina.

PSS developed student leaders. Students of Political Science became candidates of the Student Council Elections. They ran under Kaisa Ka Party Coalition, Kapit-Bisig Party Alliance or the newly founded Isang Tugon Students’ Party.

We valued so much our society by developing and learning the true value of FAMILY, of a strong TEAM. We had PSS Christmas Party, PSS Sportsfest, and others.

I am proud to say to everyone that because of these simple projects, we have achieved the highest recognition from the University of the East which is the Most Outstanding Student Organization, UE-Manila last February 26, 2010.

And for this Academic Year, we promise to continue our commitment to develop great leaders and morally-upright citizens.

I am Ryan Martin Macalatan, President and the Tribe Leader of the Political Science Society. We give our ARMS to CASSANDRA. Like the Political Science Society, we want CASSANDRA to mold and develop all of us to be good citizens and great leaders for us to have a brighter future. She will protect us from the difficulties of life. And she will embrace us as a sign of love and care.

Again, good afternoon to all.

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