Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When I met her, I said, "I WANT TO MARRY THIS GIRL".. but..

It was the Membership Week of the Political Science Society when I first saw this girl. She's a first year student of PS. I don't believe at love at first sight before, but when I saw her, I am completely fell for her.

I met her again when we had the General Assembly of PSS. I might say I was shy back then. I wasn't able to talk to her (only when she asked if she can leave earlier). I was too shy to even ask for her name.

I saw her again during the Mr. and Ms. CAS, I was formally introduced to her by her friend. Her name is Raffell. she's very simple and tall that's why I like her.

It was the Baranggay and SK Elections when I texted with her for almost the whole night. I learned so many things about her, and she learned my secrets too. Starting that day, we texted each other everyday.

Nov 2, 2010. One of the most unforgettable days of my life. I admitted to her that I LOVE HER because i really do love her. That's the truth. I fell in love to a first year student. She's 16, I'm 20. 4 year- difference. I am ashamed on what I have said. But she's the one who got shy. That's really funny.

Dec 2, 2010. I made a very special video for her. I posted it on YouTube. That was the first time I made a video for a very special person in my life. I can say that that was an e-love letter. :)

We had so many happy moments. But we also have sad moments. We even have misunderstandings. I always get jealous. Always mad when she did not text me. Maybe that's my fault.

Because of those memories, I have said to myself "I WANT TO MARRY THIS GIRL" but sad to say I found out that she has a boyfriend right now. It really broke my heart. It ruined my dreams.

I promised not to change because she likes my personality but i have to. I need to change. I have many things to change. I need to give her and her boyfriend space. I do not want to ruin their relationship.

Today, I deleted her number and changed my number. I want to make myself happy. I want to move on and I think that's one of the things that I can do to move on.

She's asking me if I am mad but I did not tell the truth. I always say I AM NOT but deep inside I AM. I REALLY AM MAD but not to her, but to myself. I AM MAD AT MYSELF. :(

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